Saturday, March 31, 2012

OCHEC Conference Coming!

As you may be aware, the public education system has been under intense pressure to conform to sinful practices.  A provincial organization, P.E.A.C.E., has shown how the education system has changed in the last years, and the current pressures it is under to relabel what the Bible calls sinful to be normal, and even celebrated.

As Christians, our goal is to raise our children to be God-fearing champions of Christ.  A careful reading of scripture indicates that this can be normative, but it seems to be a problem in our society with all its pressures.  A look at statistics also shows it is possible.

 - 94% of adult children that have been home educated agree with the statement that they maintain the faith of their parents according to a US study (NHERI study).  A Canadian study confirms this.
 - 88% of churched children that have left home and gone to post secondary education have quit attending church within 2 years of leaving home. (Southern Baptist Study)

We encourage you to explore the option of educating your child within the family God has given you .  The reward is the primary relationships for your children will be with you as the parents.  This family closeness will help your child to excel in academics and, more importantly, point them to their relationship with God as they see you hold fast to God in all the circumstances of life. 

To equip parents for this option, OCHEC has planned a home education conference for April 27 & 28.  We offer a reduced rate of $25/couple if you have never homeschooled or been to our convention before.  Come see what resources are available from home school vendors and listen to speakers that will encourage you in your adventure of raising champions for Christ.

Please forward this email to your pastor to encourage other members of your congregation to explore this alternative.

A bulletin announcement is available here.
A bulletin insert is available here.                          

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