Sunday, September 25, 2011

CHEN Meeting September 26, 2011

Just a quick reminder that our first meeting is tomorrow. Unfortunately Louise House will not be able to be there due to a suddend death of her niece just this past Friday. So hold her and her loved ones up in prayer.
Since she is not able to speak I will be speaking on College Plus, which is something my 15 year old daughter is doing. For those of you who are already contemplating what to do when you children get to highschool age even though they are not there just yet, come and hear about this exciting opportunity for you child to start earning college credits towards their degree from home at a fraction of the cost of university and college. We are only just starting out, but I will give you a run down on how it works.
I hope to see lots of you there. You are welcome to bring teens who might be interested in such opportunities.
Meetings will be at Newmarket Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Drive, Newmarket. 7PM.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Teen Social

Hi there,
Calling all teens and families of teens!!
Saturday 17th September
Car Rally
Meeting at Adele Mclaughlin's house 2.30pm
Rally will run from 3-4.30pm
Please sign up via e-mail for this event so that we can plan teams.
We also need parents to volunteer to drive the teams.
Pot Luck
After the car rally we will meet at Cynthia Bultje's house.
The pot luck will be from 5-7.
Each teens' family is to bring a main dish, and either veggie/salad or dessert.
The pool will be open for a swim.
Please bring your favorite outdoor game to share.
Lawn chairs would be appriciated.
Julie Francis

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CHEN Meeting September 26, 2011, 7pm

Just a reminder to everyone that September 26, at 7pm. At the first meeting we will have Louise House from the Learning House speak. She will be speaking about homeschooling, and how wonderful a God-given job it is! Really! She may also speak about our misconceptions, just to keep us grounded. :-) I hope lots of you will come out to the meeting. It will be an opportunity for everyone to see each other, and to be encouraged. It is also an opportunity for you to keep your membership up, by renewing it. It comes at the bargain price of $10, which helps to pay our OCHEC membership as well as giving you a discount to HSLDA, in addition to covering costs involved in running CHEN, such as speakers, facilities, etc.
I would love some suggestions, as usual, as to what people are looking for at the meetings. If you have anything you would like to let others know at the meeting let me know and I will assist in that.